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i tryed to install "leo4allv4" "zephyrot rev2" "kalyway 10.5.2.amd/intel"


for zephyrot it freeze at the "dos style" screen


leo4all reach the installer but my sata hd wd 80gb is not in the list in the "disc utility"


kalyway whit default kernel and "speedstepkernel" do the same thing of leo4all, whi modbinkernel freeze like zephyrot


how can i install i tried whit old ata hd 4gb it appear in the disc utility but it's too small


my pc:

mobo: asrock alive nf7g hdready

ram : 3x1gb ddr kingston

hd : sata wd 80gb

video: geforce 8600 gt 1gb ram

amd athlon 64 x2 4200+ (sse2 and sse3 supported)

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I have the same SATA problem as you do but with my laptop, I've come to the decision that it has something to do with the SATA controller but I have no idea on how to get round this. I have however heard that it's possible.


If you get any updates then let me know as we may be able to help each other out here.

tryed whit 320gb sata hd same result :D

i discovered in the utility menu there is a utility "system component" (or similar, it's the second from the bottom), there is a s-ata voice on the left, i clicked it and say "there is an error scanning sata device".


on google i find some people solved this setting on bios the sata to "compatibility mode" but i havent this option in my bios

Hmm yer I've seen that too and my BIOS doesn't have that option either, I'm guessing my BIOS doesn't support AHCI, I'm currently installing onto a USB hard drive, it's taking it's time but it's doing it.


Do you have any to change your Hard Drive to AHCI in your BIOS?



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