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hey guys, I am thinking about buying an ibook g3 from someone in my local craigslist for $100. everything is working. specs 500 mhz g3 384 mb ram 10 gig hard drive. I will mainly use for internet browsing. I was wanting to load linux onto it as it tends to run much faster on older hardware than native OSs.


I know that ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 support the ppc chips. Do you guys know of any other good linux distros that support the g3 ppc chip. I am looking for one with isn't to graphically basic but around the same graphic qualities of ubuntu 6.10 and older versions of open SUSE or dreamlinux.



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Thanks, i found penguin ppc, how does the graphics experience of penguin compare to the fedora and suse?

I don't know, I'm fortunate enough to never have endured a PPC system. ;) Of course, it depends on the video card and not the processor, but I'm not sure what kind of video cards the old G3 systems had.

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