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Hi to everybody.

Yesterday I've installed iLife '08 with Pacifist (because I got the the original MacBook backup DVD so it's the only way). It works very well, but now I have a problem. As the Topic says, I'm not able to open "Accounts" in System Preferences. I've opened the Consolle and I read:

27/06/08 12:05:51 System Preferences[945] Error loading /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/Accounts: dlopen(/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/Accounts, 265): Symbol not found: _IKPictureTakerCropAreaSizeKey

Referenced from: /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/Accounts

Expected in: /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Quartz

27/06/08 12:05:51 System Preferences[945] [NSPrefPaneBundle instantiatePrefPaneObject] (/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Accounts.prefPane): principalClass is nil.

Does anyone can help me? I've tried to delete "com.apple.preferencepanes.cache" in "Users/MyAccount/Library/Caches" but it still won't work. I tried to extract "Accounts.prefPane" with Pacifist from the OS X installer DVD, but same thing.

I hope someone has the solution. Thanks.


PS: I use Kalyway 10.5.1 with Vanilla Kernel 9.1



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