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here i can read that :



# My destination disk is labeled "Macintosh" - change "Macintosh" to your value

# Backup incompatible vanilla kexts
sudo mkdir /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/mach_kernel /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleACPIPlatform.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleAHCIPort.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMBIOS.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/IOAHCIFamily.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/IOATAFamily.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/
sudo cp -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/JMicronATA.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/vanilla/

# Remove incompatible vanilla kexts
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleEFIRuntime.kext
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMBIOS.kext
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext

# It's usually recommended to remove AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement kext to reduce CPU temperature
# and prevent "Package 0 didnt get an HPET" error.
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext

# Install ALC889a, EFI strings for LAN and Audio, and Natit 3870 drivers if you want it, get rid of the # before that line
# this AppleHDA is already pre-patched for the ALC889a chipset with Targas patcher
# sudo cp -r kext/ALCinject.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo cp -r kext/Natit.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo cp -r kext/AppleHDA.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo cp -r extra/com.apple.boot.plist /Volumes/$DESTINATION/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/

# Install HDA patcher, unzip and drag the txt file to the HDA patcher and then reboot
sudo cp -r extra/HDA.zip /Volumes/$DESTINATION/Applications/

# Page decryption EFI module - required for vanilla and binary hacked kernels, not required for kernels compiled from sources
sudo cp -r kext/dsmos.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/

# PC EFI compatible AppleSMBIOS v.13, secret ingredients 
sudo cp -r pc_efi_v80/AppleSMBIOS.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/

# ICH9R ATA drivers - without these kexts internal drivers are displayed as external
sudo cp -r kext/AppleAHCIPort.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo cp -r kext/IOAHCIFamily.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/
sudo cp -r kext/IOATAFamily.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/

# Realtek Ethernet driver - you need to set static IP settings - DHCP settings are lost after wake from sleep
# sudo cp -r kext/RealtekR1000.kext /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions/

# Install Netkas speedstep and reboot kernel
sudo cp -r extra/kernelSR/mach_kernel /Volumes/$DESTINATION/

# Remove kext cache (if any)
sudo rm -r /Volumes/$DESTINATION/System/Library/Extensions.mkext

# Repair permissions - recommended but not required
sudo diskutil repairpermissions /Volumes/$DESTINATION/

# You can reboot now
# sudo reboot



AND here i can read this other thing ?


# INSTALL hacked kexts

# Install AppleHDA patched with Taruga 1.20
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/AppleHDA.kext" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Audio driver installed\n"

# AppleACPIPlatform.kext
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/AppleACPIPlatform.kext" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " ACPI driver installed\n"	

# Page decryption EFI module - required for vanilla and binary hacked kernels, not required for kernels compiled from sources
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/dsmos.kext" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Page decryption EFI module installed\n"

# ICH9R SATA drivers - vanilla kext version 1.1.0 (from 10.5.3) with "internal disk displayed as external" fix
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/kext/IOAHCIFamily.kext" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
echo -e " Intel SATA driver installed\n"

# PC EFI compatible AppleSMBIOS-28 Rev.? by mac.nub (choose version: desktop/laptop)
cp -r "/Volumes/${INSTALL_SOURCE_VOL}/smbios/imac/AppleSMBIOS.kext" "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/"
# sudo cp -r smbios/macbook/AppleSMBIOS.kext /Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions/
echo -e " SMBIOS installed\n"

# Remove kext cache (if any)
rm -r "/Volumes/${DESTINATION_VOL}/System/Library/Extensions.mkext"

echo " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Realtek ethernet driver is placed in packages/RealtekR1000_1.04.zip - install manually if required."
echo " JMicronATA driver (fixed for 4GB RAM) is placed in packages/JMicronATA_64bit.zip - install manually if required."
echo -e " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"

perhaps, but it's not very VANILLA ....


that's the problem ...


first is LTL


second LS8 ....


the idea is to have the best ... for retail + combo update AT the install ... (because with kalyway 10,5,2 dvd YOU cannot choose retail disk NOR comboupdate from apple ... AT the first install )

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