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Hey guys, i got 10.4.4 install dvd working, without any problem


here the instructions



start dvd (mac os x 10.4.4 install dvd)

start disk util, erase(format) whole harddrive with mac os x journald (which u want to install mac os x on it)

after erasing, quit disk util

quit installation


start dvd(mac os x 10.4.4 install dvd) again

install mac os x 10.4.4 without the addition stuff, only basic system and "we stole it sucker"

after installation, restart

press f8 to get to the boot promt




rd=disk0s2 -x


and it works, its pretty fast, needs 10 sekonds to boot here (p4 3,0ghz, 1024ddram)


took me 30 minutes to complete this whole installation


the only thing is the boot.plist, dunno how to start it without dvd, but with dvd it works perfect

hope this helps someone who has problems with starting mac os x with dvd

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I followed these instructions to a T... I press F8 and then type RD=Disk0s2 and hit enter... It continues to boot from the DVD... any Ideas? I'm about to go over to a friends house to use his mac to burn a Darwine boot CD...


anything else I should try first?


I've already tried the "Hiren's boot cd" using "boot star" to no avail, I can select the proper drive, but it just reboots the system...

Ha HA !!!


It appears to be working! very slowly mind you, but It seems that it is infact booting!!!!!!


This is historic!


It just played a cool sound! so I know sound works!


It's now @ a blue screen, and every few seconds I see the mouse cursor and that little circle thing with the slases that normally spins when you are shutting down...


It's been a few min @ this screen, I'll give it some more time, as it seems to be doing something....


thanks for the help, I'm soo close... I can taste it... tastes like a granny smith...or a Macintosh...

It seems my initial hopes that I finally got it right were wrong...


After watcing the blue screen flash for a while, I rebooted, and did the same thing, this time, however, I typed -v after the rd=disk0s2 command.


I now see that while the blue screen was flahing this is what was happening:



localost Crashdump[393]:Setup Assistant Crashed

Crash report written to: /Library/logs/crashreporter/setupassistant.crash.log

:system/Library/coreservices/login window app/contents/macOS/loginwindow: Login Window Application started



for some reason, it won't load the login window...


any Ideas???

hm.. strange.. you mean there are patches already on the install DVD?

was it labled as "patched" ?


I've downloaded some 10.4.4 install dvd marked HOTiSO but i don't know if there are patches on it.. so i'm downloading 10.4.3 at the time..

"we stole it sucker"

what does that mean?

Apple confirmed Thursday it has included such a warning in its Intel-based computers since it started selling them in January.


The embedded poem reads: "Your karma check for today: There once was a user that whined/his existing OS was so blind/he'd do better to pirate/an OS that ran great/but found his hardware declined./Please don't steal Mac OS!/Really, that's way uncool./© Apple Computer, Inc."


Apple also put in a separate hidden message, "Don't Steal Mac OS X.kext," in another spot for would-be hackers.


"We can confirm that this text is built into our products," Apple issued in a statement. "Hopefully it, and many other legal warnings, will remind people that they should not steal Mac OS X."



I suppose the "we stole it sucker" module is a message to Apple. Anyone check to see if Maxxuss wrote a poem there?

so, I haven't touched any OSX installing stuff, since its seemed a little to complex and not worth it so far


Is it a whole lot easier with this DVD? I have an Opteron 165 dual core with SSE3 on an Nforce3 mobo. Can I just burn the HotISO DVD, boot up and install it as described in the first post? Seems too good to be true.

im up and running

only thing that doesnt work is my onboard ethernet



celeron 2.53, shows up as 3 ghz haha


i had to use the rd=disk0s2 or whatever it was, but then it worked perefectly. i tihnk all this command is doing is telling the bootloader where to boot from? seems like we should be able to edit something to make that default. trying holding down option on startup


does anyone know of a pci ethernet that just works?





Got mine running on a:


MSI 845 Ultra-C

P4 1,6Ghz ;)


Had to use that command to and the dvd has to be in the drive. Otherwise it says boot.apple.com.list not found or something like that.


It would be great if it booted just by pressing power :P

But well that will be a thing in the future i think (A)

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