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Hi ich habe das Programm im Simulationsmodus ausgeführt und in der Logdatei steht folgendes: (Codebox unten) Leider weiß ich damit nichts anufangen. Bringt es mir etwas den Patch richtig auszuführen also nicht zu simulieren? Und kann es dabei passieren das mein System Schaden nimmt?


mfg Ron



* Marvin's AMD Utility v.25 - 2008.05.27  15:31:31
* Input arguments:
*     target_dir="/"
*     dmount="/"
*     cat="leopard"
*     do_run_cpuid_file="yes"
*     cpuid_file="/Users/Leo/Desktop/AMD.Patch.Folder/2008.05.27_at_15.08/cpuid.txt"
*     simulation_mode="yes"
*     undo="no"
 * Parsing cpuid file:  /Users/Leo/Desktop/AMD.Patch.Folder/2008.05.27_at_15.08/cpuid.txt
 * Simulation mode
--+ /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/modules/libx264_plugin.dylib
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0005f4b0  patch_address: 5F4B0
--+ /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 000f8f6c  patch_address: F7F6C
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 000f8fb3  patch_address: F7FB3
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 000f9006  patch_address: F8006
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 000f902c  patch_address: F802C
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00320616  patch_address: 31F616
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0032069c  patch_address: 31F69C
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 003206cd  patch_address: 31F6CD
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 003206df  patch_address: 31F6DF
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00320728  patch_address: 31F728
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00323000  patch_address: 322000
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00323086  patch_address: 322086
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 003230b7  patch_address: 3220B7
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 003230c9  patch_address: 3220C9
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00323112  patch_address: 322112
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00326a37  patch_address: 325A37
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00326a50  patch_address: 325A50
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00326a76  patch_address: 325A76
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00326a88  patch_address: 325A88
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c0957  patch_address: 4BF957
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c09dd  patch_address: 4BF9DD
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c0a0e  patch_address: 4BFA0E
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c0a20  patch_address: 4BFA20
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c0a69  patch_address: 4BFA69
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c150a  patch_address: 4C050A
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c1590  patch_address: 4C0590
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c15c1  patch_address: 4C05C1
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c15d3  patch_address: 4C05D3
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c161c  patch_address: 4C061C
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c4f7d  patch_address: 4C3F7D
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c5003  patch_address: 4C4003
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c5034  patch_address: 4C4034
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c5046  patch_address: 4C4046
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004c508f  patch_address: 4C408F
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004e2279  patch_address: 4E1279
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004e228c  patch_address: 4E128C
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004e22d0  patch_address: 4E12D0
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 004e22e2  patch_address: 4E12E2
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/ATSServer
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 000d8bfc  patch_address: D7BFC
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/Finder
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0000af6f  patch_address: 9F6F
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 002e5c39  patch_address: 2E4C39
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/loginwindow
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0000a08d  patch_address: 908D
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0000ddb4  patch_address: CDB4
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00010781  patch_address: F781
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00018a03  patch_address: 17A03
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00045ce6  patch_address: 44CE6
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0004677f  patch_address: 4577F
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/mds
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00010003  patch_address: F003
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 00055d1f  patch_address: 54D1F
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/SystemUIServer
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0002ae5e  patch_address: 29E5E
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0002afed  patch_address: 29FED
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0002b137  patch_address: 2A137
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0002b1e4  patch_address: 2A1E4
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: 0003095e  patch_address: 2F95E
--+ /Library/Receipts/HD_AMD_CPUID.pkg/Contents/Resources/decrypted/translate
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8077dbd  patch_address: 77DBD
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8087525  patch_address: 87525
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b80899e9  patch_address: 899E9
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b80ec928  patch_address: EC928
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b815128d  patch_address: 15128D
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8155108  patch_address: 155108
--+ /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Contents/MacOS/Finder.original
 +   File is fat
***   err059 - cpuid patch - patch verification ERROR -- because binary is still encrypted
 *        -- patch address: AF6F  base address: 00005f24  cpuid address: 0000af6f
 *        -- i386 offset: 00001000  text offset: 00004f24
 *        -- Found bytes: 5c33  Search bytes: 0fa2
--+ /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow.original
 +   File is fat
***   err059 - cpuid patch - patch verification ERROR -- because binary is still encrypted
 *        -- patch address: A08D  base address: 000057e0  cpuid address: 0000a08d
 *        -- i386 offset: 00001000  text offset: 000047e0
 *        -- Found bytes: a2d0  Search bytes: 0fa2
--+ /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemUIServer.app/Contents/MacOS/SystemUIServer.original
 +   File is fat
***   err059 - cpuid patch - patch verification ERROR -- because binary is still encrypted
 *        -- patch address: 2AE5E  base address: 00005290  cpuid address: 0002ae5e
 *        -- i386 offset: 00001000  text offset: 00004290
 *        -- Found bytes: b8d1  Search bytes: 0fa2
--+ /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ATS.framework/Versions/A/Support/ATSServer.original
 +   File is fat
***   err059 - cpuid patch - patch verification ERROR -- because binary is still encrypted
 *        -- patch address: 38CBFC  base address: 00004df0  cpuid address: 000d8bfc
 *        -- i386 offset: 002B5000  text offset: 00003df0
 *        -- Found bytes: 613c  Search bytes: 0fa2
--+ /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds.original
 +   File is fat
***   err059 - cpuid patch - patch verification ERROR -- because binary is still encrypted
 *        -- patch address: 10003  base address: 00005840  cpuid address: 00010003
 *        -- i386 offset: 00001000  text offset: 00004840
 *        -- Found bytes: 8eb2  Search bytes: 0fa2
--+ /usr/libexec/oah/translate.original
 +   File is i386
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8077dbd  patch_address: 77DBD
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8087525  patch_address: 87525
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b80899e9  patch_address: 899E9
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b80ec928  patch_address: EC928
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b815128d  patch_address: 15128D
 +    Patch bytes VERIFIED -- cpuid address: b8155108  patch_address: 155108

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