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Translate Microsoft Messenger

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Is it possible?


Woow, I never seen a question like that! Crystal clear my friend :unsure:

If you talk about Windows Live Messenger, actually WLM is translate in all languages. French, english, spanish, czech.. name it, you've got!


Go to Microsoft web page http://get.live.com/messenger/overview and take a deep look.


Download free.


Yes I'm ironic, but it sound like a dumb question like you had never take 5 minutes for saw what it is.

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lol. I guess you didnt get what i tried to mean. In windows, we could translate some apps/files w hex or resources editors. I asked how could i try to do something like this for osx.there must be some way as messenger exists in other languages beside english. But i would like to see it in portuguese.

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Is it possible?



to translate "any app" under osx

go "any app" - use show package contents command (somewhere under open with)

go contens/resources/English.lproj


copy this folder out... rename to s.t. like Portugese.lproj or pt.lproj

and edit Localizable.strings for texts


in folders inside pack are for help icons (if differs for lng...)

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Thanks zandera. It was exactly what I meant. Seriousrad, I knew there's no portuguese microsoft messenger, that's why I "came" with this idea.Actually I could open it and I guess it will be possible to translate. :shock:

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Right now, the main problem is translating the "apple bar" and the dock texts (the text that appear when you right-click Microsoft Messenger icon on dock).Found the file. "localized.rsrc" inside .lproj file. But how to edit it properly under OSX? In TextEdit, it gets all messed up.

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