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X1300 Mobility - Res Change


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Alright, this is a problem I guess very many of us are having.


I have the X1300 Mobility, and on my external monitor, I can set any resolution my monitor can handle, with QE & CI, using X1300Natit.kext

But on my internal LCD I only get 1024x768 resolution with QE & CI and can´t change resolution.


I have heard about the paperclip trick, but since hardware really isn´t my area(while being quite strong on the software-side of things), I haven´t dared venturing into experimenting with that, yet.

So my question is, has anyone gotten resolution change to work on the X1300 Mobility on an INTERNAL monitor?

If you have managed to do that, using the X1300Natit.kext and the paperclip trick, for an example, that´s something I think many of us would LOVE to hear about!

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We have a driver that works PERFECTLY on an external monitor... shouldn't it require just a tiny modification to get that driver working for the internal LCD? :blink:


Or does it need a whole new driver? And then why?


Anybody here who knows how this works who could be bothered to give me answers to these questions?



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