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RAID (0) on Leopard

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Seems there's not much choice/option to get a decent hardware RAID working on Leopard x86


Have tried the onboard ICH9R (Gigabyte GA-G33M-DSR2) without success.


Does anyone have experience with Areca controllers, like this:


Areca ARC-1200 PCI Express SATA Controller Card RAID 0/1 JBOD


I need RAID 0 for improved performance on a video-editing system


(I have lots of backup space, so that's not an issue)

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Seems there's not much choice/option to get a decent hardware RAID working on Leopard x86


Have tried the onboard ICH9R (Gigabyte GA-G33M-DSR2) without success.


Does anyone have experience with Areca controllers, like this:


Areca ARC-1200 PCI Express SATA Controller Card RAID 0/1 JBOD


I need RAID 0 for improved performance on a video-editing system


(I have lots of backup space, so that's not an issue)


try this

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OK, I think I get the general idea, but being new to all this, what do I do with:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>






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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

<plist version="1.0">




<key>Kernel Flags</key>

<string>rd=diskX</string> change X with your disk number





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No luck,


Firstly, my Seagate 750GB SATA comes up at boot as hd(0,1), hd(0,2) Leopard


The latter is the bootable disk.


In System profiler it appears as disk0


My RAID array is 2 x WD 500GB SATA, in System Profiler it appears as disk 1s3, AND disk 2s3


I tried -v rd=disk1/2 and it hangs:


JMicron ... unknown device...

Firewire ... now active

Darwin version 9,2,0 ... MAc OS version ... not yet set


I waited, and the disks spin down


This time when I used Super Duper I set it to mark the RAID 0 array as start up, but it was unable to do that


So how do I address the RAID 0 array at boot time?


And why does it not appear in the boot menu (like the Seagate does - disk 0,1/0,2)



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No luck,


Firstly, my Seagate 750GB SATA comes up at boot as hd(0,1), hd(0,2) Leopard


The latter is the bootable disk.


In System profiler it appears as disk0


My RAID array is 2 x WD 500GB SATA, in System Profiler it appears as disk 1s3, AND disk 2s3


I tried -v rd=disk1/2 and it hangs:


JMicron ... unknown device...

Firewire ... now active

Darwin version 9,2,0 ... MAc OS version ... not yet set


I waited, and the disks spin down


This time when I used Super Duper I set it to mark the RAID 0 array as start up, but it was unable to do that


So how do I address the RAID 0 array at boot time?


And why does it not appear in the boot menu (like the Seagate does - disk 0,1/0,2)




you need first boot disk with guid

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OK, I thought I was using GUID. Something is not working properly there.


I started again, making sure the RAID is GUID, I decided not to Disk Dupe and installed Kalyway 10.5.1, with vanilla kernel, and EFI. When the system starts up after install, I get this error:


system config file '/com.apple.plist' not found


This is something to do with EFI? (but EFI was selected at install time)


EDIT how can I install PC EFI manually over this failed install?

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OK, I thought I was using GUID. Something is not working properly there.


I started again, making sure the RAID is GUID, I decided not to Disk Dupe and installed Kalyway 10.5.1, with vanilla kernel, and EFI. When the system starts up after install, I get this error:


system config file '/com.apple.plist' not found


This is something to do with EFI? (but EFI was selected at install time)


EDIT how can I install PC EFI manually over this failed install?



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Thanks, there's a lot to look through there... and I will do.


Meanwhile, something interesting happened. I got hold of the free clone tool

'Hatchery' - its similar to Super Duper, etc. Anyway, having created a RAID 0

with GUID, when I ran Hatchery (to clone) I got the following message, which

implies I do not have GUID:


"Intel Mac mode requires a GUID partition table. The target you selected has Apple_HFS"

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I'm thinking to go true hardware RAID too, because I'm not confident how

I would attempt to recover from a soft/fakeRAID failure. Wouldn't the

latter require a complete re-install to recover the system? And then there's

the data to think about. All on a 'hack/fakeMac platform... I've been looking

at the Areca 1200 (OSX compatible), and I've gotten good performance with

Highpoint RocketRAID before.


EDIT: then the RAID cards offload processing from the system too

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OK, what aI reckon is RAID 0 is NOT going to work as the main drive. It seems impossible to install OSX on a RAID 0 set. I can create a software RAID 0 and use it as a data disk, booting from another disk. There's some plist file or something that can't get transferred from a boot disk to a software RAID 0. I think its going to be worth spending a hundred on a decent hardware RAID card, as I've spent far too long on this already.

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hardware raid should work if the chipset is supported for booting. for instance my older motherboard (p5w-dh) had ICH7R and also had 2 SATA ports using another chipset (i forget which) that did hardware RAID 0 or RAID 1 (you'd change a jumper on the motherboard to set it to 0 or 1.


It was just a matter of setting the jumper and plugging 2 identical drives, and OSX and my bios saw 1 giant drive. I could boot off it without anything special after formating it and installing 10.5 on it.

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I had an old Intel 915 board with a similar feature - SATA was processed by the onboard ICHX chipset, but RAID was provided by an onboard Si3132 (via specific ports). The Gigabyte board I'm using (GA-G33M-DSR2) uses ICH9R for all 6 ports... so that's not going to be an option.

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  • 2 years later...

Is there a way to get Snow Leopard to boot off a Intel ICH10R Raid 0 Array? what configuration needs to be changed to enable the raid functionality. Can this be done when the Install was done from AHCI mode ?

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