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Hi Everyone, this a simple question... well... not that simple for me.

I installed Leopard in my AMD PC using the tutorial of dual booting XP with Leopard (Kalway 10.5.2) and everything worked fine.

I first installed XP and then Leopard and now is dual-booting like a charm.


But here's the thing... I need to reinstall XP again.

Right now that is my activa partition and the one booting both systems (using CHAIN0 for Leopard)


Is it OK to install XP again formating that partition (and then adding the same line to boot.ini and CHAIN0 in C:)? or then I'll need to install Leopard as well, or at least fix darwin bootloader?


Sorry if this is an idiot question, but Leopard is working great and I don't want to mess up the hole thing.

I searched for this problem with no luck, sorry if it's repeated.



Someone?Plzz I need to format Windows tonight!Ok, searching a little more I've found this topichttp://www.insanelymac.com/lofiversion/index.php/t64952.htmlSo I guess as both are primary partitions they have they one bootloader, so installing xp again on it's own primary partition won't mess up with darwin in leopard's partitionI think I'll try anyway and see what happens

Hey! Good news... Everything is working ok!

Info for others with the same question


Just make the XP partition active (mine was alrready) and then install again and don't forget to configure again your boot.ini file with CHAIN0 or Boot up with the Leopard DVD and run fdisk to make Leopard's Partition ative


Thanks anyway to all!

Good Luck

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