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Well, I've finally finished putting my own hackintosh together. I was surprised at how simple doing it was and how major problem free the leopard install was. Ints now running 10.5.2 merrily with windows in a parallels VM. Being able to run windows was essential, as I work in IT and need to use it. I still prefer Leopard though...


The build was based on the one detailed here: linky


Excellent details on this site, my only difference to this guys build was putting a GeForce 8600GTS video card in instead of the one he used.


I only have one problem now...


I have a 500gb drive, when I started Installed Leopard onto 250GB partition, thinking I'd stick xp in the other space. Once I discovered how good the parallels vm was I decided not to bother with a stand alone xp install. Now, I want to expand the partition Leopard is on to use the full 500GB. Either that or find a way to format the remaining space as a separate 250GB volume.


I'm not sure how to do this without messing up my installation, as the Disk utility shows only the main 250GB partition, and not the unused space...


anybody know how to go about this?





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Is your hackintosh silent? I'm thinking of using the same hardware specs but I need something very silent.


Also did you go with using a core 2 duo or a quad-core (for an extra $150)?


Also can anyone tell me which would run cooler: quad-core or core 2 duo?



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Is your hackintosh silent? I'm thinking of using the same hardware specs but I need something very silent.


Also did you go with using a core 2 duo or a quad-core (for an extra $150)?


Also can anyone tell me which would run cooler: quad-core or core 2 duo?




Its not too noisy, but Its not silent either - I'd get a quiet power supply if its important - there seem to be quite a lot available. I went with core 2 duo due to budget restraints, I can always upgrade later on...

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You can try Gparted.... Go to http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ and get the live cd and boot up with the cd to expand the partition. It worked for me a few times but I never tried it on a OSX partition. BACK UP just in case something goes wrong. It wont damage your drive but could make it to where osx wont boot and you would have to reinstall. Good luck.


You can also use Gparted to format the other partition to where your OSX can read it as a different partition and put another drive icon on your desktop to where you can use it.

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