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Parallels on Vista with virtual OS X?

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I want to install OS X on Parallels on my Vista x64 I know it is possible however does anyone have a link that will show how to do it? :-) I have already tried googling however I am not entirely sure how to word it. Much thanks



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Its an interesting idea im sure many have had but it doesnt work that way. Parrallels wont let you because of the EULA by OSX. There might be a way to force it but im not sure anyone has tried. The only problem i forsee if SSE3 instructions not handled in parrallels therefore no vanilla kernel, which means slow updates...


Anyway, i would just recommend getting a new hdd and installing os x on that. Easiest way to go by far.

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I tried pcwiz method worked pretty good; though OS X is slow but I figured that would occur. I have like 6 extra hdd's I just got bored and wanted to work on a new project to keep myself entertained haha.

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