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It really depends on what Dell it is - and if it is a desktop or laptop some are more compatible than others. There are not drivers like in windows. If it is a desktop it may be easier since you can add a compatible video card etc. Go to the wiki: http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page and look under category and make and hopefully there will be your model listed.


Other than that you will just have to spend some time here reading posts (I've spent many hours) to see how others have solved some of the same issues.


Some of the Dells I have played with I had to disable the ethernet in bios to get it to boot and then did some work on those kexts (like drivers in Windows) before enabling it again.


Good luck!




so i installed Leopard Kalyway and it wokrs fine in safe mode

now i just need to install some drivers

the drivers that came with Kalyway didnt match my hardware


so where can i get some drivers that work with Leopard and my Dell?



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