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Here is what I have done...

I had Kalyway 10.5.1 installed and then installed his 10.5.2 Combo Update.

Now, the screenshot provided is software I can update but have not yet. My question is, since I haven't updated, which Updates are safe to do on my Hackintosh?


Also, why would I need the Leopard Graphics Update? What would that do for me since I have Intel GMA 950 with No Artifacts?



Apart from "Timemachine and Airport Update", everything else is fine.

LGU was more for newer nVidia and ATI cards. It adds nothing more for GMA950, so use at your own discretion.


The Timemachine and Airport update installs a new System.kext and Kernel 9.2.2 which breaks anything not on a Intel chipset+Core2 CPU machine

Ok, I installed everything except the Leopard Graphics Update and the Time Machine and AirPort Update as suggested. The only problem I have now is that my Mac seems to boot up a slower than it did before I applied the above updates. What could be the cause of that and if possible, is there a way to speed my Mac back up?

OK, I am redoing my MAC and not installing anything. Heck, after I installed it, my graphics were running slow. I think it was the Security Update. iTunes or Quicktime shouldn't have done that. Oh well, this is a good learning experience for me tho. However, my questions above still stands.

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