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kalyway 10.5.2 v2 problem


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here is the problem I have Gigabyte K8NSC , AMD 3000+ aditional Pci firewire 2 sata drive (working on raid 1), and ata disk where Iwanted to install Leopard (on firet chanal (master , DVD on other also master), nvidia fx 5200 agp graphic...

so installed leopard (i 've choosen speedstepkernel (intel/amd/sse2/sse3), kernel_9.2_speedstep, NVinject-128, all audio, network and mobo drivers, paches for amd), using this method http://maconpc.distinctlyjordan.com/2008/0...xp-and-leopard/, and after rebooting the booting stops.

I've tried even with -v,-x,-s....

I saved my installng logs in the attachments



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ok i installed kalyway 10.5.2 , the problem was in JAS patch for SS2 processor. now i can boot

but naw when I enter the Leopard everything is running slowly , and activity monitor shows that my CPU is always on 100%

any suggestion?

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