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Me so lost wont install


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ok am a total noob at this i dont know a thing so ill start from the begginin

CPU AMD 3400+ SSe2

2GB ram

60Gb HD

Creative Audigy 2

Geforce 6800gt agp

Nforce 3 250gb chipset

2 sata HD's


burned the image, booted it, configured the HD and ran installation amd check third party aps none and all drivers checked, i get an error message during install sayin intall failed installer could not validate the contents of java tools package click restart to restar computer and try again

I also notced the wallpaper is cut in half and there are some weird colors in mid behind the installaion window



tried it on my laptop installing it to my usb jumpdrive gave me a similiar error checked log on laptop said that it was extracting files 2 fast or something like that



now what did I do wrong?


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