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Cables Unlimited IRDA Wireless Bridge

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Well i just bought a cables unlimited USB IrDA Wireless dongle, i plugged it in and XP on Vmware Fusion picked it up right away, but osx did not, im not sure how to check if it works or if osx even knows its their... How would i determine that??




For the record, i purchased this so i could use an apple remote on my hackintosh

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I also bought a USB to IRDA adapter in an attempt to use the Apple remote on my hack. The adapter appears to be recognized because it shows up in System Profiler, but the remote definitely doesn't work with it. I haven't tried testing it out with other devices, like my Palm or another laptop, so I guess it could be functional otherwise, but haven't had time to play with it. That's the only way I could think of to test it - by connect another device/computer over IRDA. My adapter was a cheapo generic model I got off dealextreme.com.

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