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DVD drive does not mount DVD discs in Leopard

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Surprisingly enough, though Leopard was installed with DVD, the DVD functions themselves dont work after Leopard install. For example, any DVD movie disc does not get mounted. So does any empty DVD disc (sometimes it does but after about 15 minutes). Even the disc that I used to install does not get mounted. The DVD burn function does not work at all if I even get the DVD disc mounted on desktop. What to do?


This is Lite-ON DVD DL drive from NewEgg. Here is the spec page with 06 firmware version (I have an earlier 03 version)




Could it be firmware problem? How to flash firmware in Mac OSX. I have tried on virtualized XP with flash utilities, but in virtualized environment it wont work. And I dont have actual XP install.


btw, the DVD I play are all US region, so that shouldnt be a problem? and why not empty disc and disc burning?


Please help! Thanks.

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come on guys, no one had this problem. can someone suggest me a desktop DVD drive that will work perfectly well on a hackintosh (with leopard). I learnt that Patchburn no longer works. but i used that patching methodology (also available on macfixit). I havent able to solve it yet.

does any one know how to properly wirte .drprofile file for device support.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same problem except my drive doesnt mount at all afterwards. I had the same initial reaction that you had. I have a Memorex DVD+R lightscribe, a nice drive. Weird thing is is that this drive worked on other leopard installs i did. I'm using Leo4allv3.


- tim

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