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kernal panic unless boot with -x


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what are the file names that i have to delete?

i am having trouble



You need to remove NVinject.kext if you installed it. If not remove all NVDA kexts


your having video card driver issues. you are able to boot with -x because, -x is safemode, it will load VESA drivers for video instead of your primary video drivers. you need to reinstall your NVinject or remove it, or edit the plists to enter the specific device id of your video card. (you'll have to read up on your video card to see if this is the case for you)


if you haven't already read/use this http://scottdangel.com/blog/?page_id=20

you can also try natit http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Natit

hope that helps

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