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Hi now I have installes 10.4.4 and it run's. I have installes 2 Harddrives one S-ATA and one ATA.

On the S-ATA I have installed Windows, and Mac osx 10.4.3 . If I start 10.4.3 Version I see all Volumes on the Drive, but if I start 10.4.4 the I can't see the Partition's on my old Installation. I donn't know what I can do.

Need I a special Kernel Extension witch can read the Windows Partion Table on my old Drive. In the Disk Utility on osx-10.4.4 I can see both Drives but not the Partition's !! I will clone my 10.4.4 System from my ATA Drive to the S-ATA drive, how can I do this.


Please Help !!

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