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Dual Boot Problems


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[sorry about the repost, this is just a completely different issue from my other thread]


Hey guys,


I'm having trouble getting Vista to dual boot with Kalyway. Right after I install Kalyway, it is able to boot, but when I use Vista's boot manager, I get a black screen for a few seconds after selecting Mac OS, then it goes back to the manager.


So from the top, I installed Kalyway on the same disk as Vista, made the Vista partition bootable again, but got a "Cannot find winload.exe" error when I tried to actually boot. According to this guide: http://dailyapps.net/2008/03/hack-attack-d...-windows-vista/ all I needed to do was boot into the installer CD and repair. I did that and it fixed my Vista booting problem, but I wasn't sure how to get into OS X anymore. So I followed the instructions in the same guide:


From the DVD copy CHAIN0 to the C: Then run


bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Mac OS X"

bcdedit /enum active

bcdedit /set {GUID} PATH \chain0


In the first command type {current} as it is, literally..nothing else..just {current} with the brackets. In the 3rd command however, replace the {GUID} with the alphanumeric GUID you see in the enumerated list under MAC OS X. You can see this list on your terminal as soon as you type the 2nd command above.


and now I get a Grub-like screen on boot, but when I select Mac OS X, the screen goes blank for a few seconds, says nothing, then comes up with the dualboot screen again, listing Vista and Mac OS.


Anyone have any idea what's going on?

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