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Installer won't start

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Hey guys. I recently downloaded the Kalyway 10.5.1 disk, and when i start to boot it, it will load, and then flash the grey apple logo and restart my computer. I have a MSI P35 Neo2 motherboard, BFG NVIDIA 8800gt 512mb, 4 gb ram, Intel E6750(or e6600, cant remember which) I've tried two different downloads for the disk, and neither has worked. Help please? :D

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I've been having the same problem. What's causing it is your video card. The install disk has driver errors with newer NVIDIA cards or something.


Reading through several pages of search results, I've only found one solution. The page says...


 open transmac in windows as administrator

goto /System/Libraries/Extensions/Ge*.kext   i.e delete every file with such a starting/System/Libraries/Extensions/Nv*.kext

and then boot to your mac os


Basically you have to delete the NVIDIA/Geforce kexts and then reburn the image (you can delete them directly from the disk if you used DVD-RW instead of DVD-R) and try to install OS X again. I don't know if this works or not because I haven't yet been able to try it myself. If it works for you, great.

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