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SOLD: brand new high end hackintosh desktop

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**Thanks for the interest, this system has been sold**




Based on this forum, I went out and bought and built a high end desktop to dual boot between Vista and OSX.


As fortune would have it, I just accepted a new job, and I will be recieving a system for home use. I won't be needing this PC.


It's a DFI Lanparty, 2.4Ghz Quad core Intel Q6600, 4GB RAM, Antec sonta 550 cased system. It's a great machine; quiet, screams in Vista, and I was able to get OSX up and running (but not audio, I haven't had time to track down the necessary .kext).


I'm in Portland OR, but could package it up, as I have all the boxes and manuals. I'm somewhat flexible on the price. I paid about $1000 for everything, but will sell for $750 OBO. The system is a whole 12 days old or so...


Full details are at




thanks for the interest. Feel free to call me 503.473.3248 or email at fjbruening at gmail dot com

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