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Being a musician and desperately wanting to use my PCI-based devices in my custom-built hackintosh, I would love for someone to break the Mac Pro's chains that bind and allow for PCI-based sound cards to be used natively. Knowing that this is a virtual impossibility, I have had to think a bit outside of the box and consider a few alternatives. In these forums I have read a few success stories regarding usb [and in some cases firewire] sound devices functioning properly under osx86 Leopard, but the only firewire sound device that I own is an Mbox2 Pro which shows no signs of being compatible with Leopard anytime soon.


My question is, as ridiculous as it may be, would/could a PCI-e to PCI adapter "trick" the OS into thinking that the device was strickly PCI-e based and had no PCI qualities about it? Please correct me if I'm thinking too far outside the box--desperation can cause strange behavior and I've become officially obsessed with this concept. Please respond. Thanks. Sturzo

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Guest badaxe

Hi there sturzo, i use a fw-1884 tascam interface and it runs perfectly with logic and digital performer under leopard 10.5.2 . My board is a badaxe2 and a asus p5w dh deluxe using the kalyway disk. Its a little expensive but it runs flawlessly with as many plugins i can throw at it. I also have a lot of external instruments (eloctronic drum kit, sampler etc and all get recognized) My processors are a core2duo e6750 and a quad 6600.

piece of freaking cake.


Get a Magma PCI expansion chassis, and a PCIe host card.


and go get yourself several extra slots while you're at it.


Or use a firewire based solution.


Or, talk to the maker of the PCI card you need to use, and ask them if they're planning on making a PCIe version, or if they've considered making a PCIe version by just adding a PCIe to PCI bridge chip (like the PLX bridge chips). Maybe they even have a PCIe version already, but its not commercially released yet, and they'd sell you an early release if you asked nicely.

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