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Belkin Tiger Driver PCI Card

martin barker

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Belkin users i have found http://www.belkin.com/support/article/?lid...01&scid=221


Witch provides links to Downlad drivers for mac versions 10.4.x

witch sould meen we can get them working in 10.5 (hopefully) but if not stay with tiger for now and u can have belkin wireless netowrking


This currently creates a EBOOT Error 5 times befor load and the belkin application just crashes out might need some work to get working wiht the OSx68 Projects


Edit: More Reserch

It apperes that the Belkin Wireless G Card uses the realteck Chips set


This address will allow u to down load to find out witch version u need Take ur PCI card out look at the chip solderd on to the card that says RTL8xxx And download the right mac driver for ur card mine was the 7000 uk version 8587 So i downloaded and trying to instal now if it works will see if developers can add to the mac installers

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I would like to Say that both of Applicaions Fail to start on hackingtosh

If any one could download and have a look at file and see if it is posable to make them work as i have a PCI Belking G Wireless Card

and i need it working to connect to the internet

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