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I want to know if you screen saver are working correctly ?


it's very lagy over here and the template in iDVD too... it's seem to be the video card but i try a


ATI Rage Pro

Geforce 2 MX

Geforce 5200

Geforce 6800



still have the same laging probleme.


The botton bar run very smoothly.


i only have one Resolution option 1024 X 768


i run it on a Celeron D 325 with 1GB of RAM.(maby it's the probleme...)


any idea ?




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nVidea Graphics are not supported, so they run with the VESA driver, this means basic functionality (no 2D, 3D acceleration, cant change refresh rate, etc).


you can change the Res. on com.apple.boot.plist, look for info about this in the Wiki and Genius Bar.


And please search forum/wiki first then ask.

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