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Installing the OS X 10.5.0 or 10.5.1 Retail and upgrading it to 10.5.2

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The following is a quick outline of my install routine, it's not unlike other routines posted.


Installing OS X 10.5.0 and 10.5.1 Retail and upgrading to OS X 10.5.2.


The key files needed:

1) Retail version of OS X 10.5.0 or 10.5.1.

(the 10.5.0 belonged to a friend, and I purchased the 10.5.1 for my HACINTOSH)

2) OSX 10.5.2 update combo package ("MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.2.dmg").


3) Leopard Graphics Update v1.0 from Apples web site ("LeopardGraphicsUpdate1.0.dmg").



5) You may need driver for your video card; for example, I downloaded NVinject.kext v2.1 for my 8800 GT 512MB.

Step 1 - Partition the selected disk using GUID mapping (using the diskutil gui interface)


Step 2 - Open a terminal and change to superuser (sudo -s)


Step 3 - Identify the selected partition device id (/dev/disk#s#) (diskutil list)

my input/output:

bash-3.2# diskutil list



0: GUID_partition_scheme *232.9 Gi disk0

1: EFI 200.0 Mi disk0s1

2: Apple_HFS xxx 40.0 Gi disk0s2

3: Apple_HFS MyBackup 192.4 Gi disk0s3

Step 4 - From the Terminal - Activate the Partition with fdisk:

my input/output:

step 4a
- fdisk -e /dev/rdisk0

fdisk: could not open MBR file /usr/standalone/i386/boot0: No such file or directory

Enter 'help' for information


step 4b
- "update"

Machine code updated.


step 4c
- "f 2" to activate my partition xxx (disk0s2)

Partition 2 marked active.


step 4d
- "w" to write the changes

Device could not be accessed exclusively.

A reboot will be needed for changes to take effect. OK? [n] y

Writing MBR at offset 0.


step 4e
- "q" to quit


Step 5 - From the Terminal - Make the partition "xxx" bootable using the EFI_pack.zip

my input/output:

step 5a
- diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk0


step 5b
- ./startupfiletool /dev/rdisk0s2 ./boot_v8

HFS+ filesystem detected

Looking for 1 words free

reading 4096,4096

Marking word 276

writing back 4096,4096

allocated blocks 32 at start 8832


step 5c
- dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 bs=512 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

512 bytes transferred in 0.012391 secs (41320 bytes/sec)


step 5d
- dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

400 bytes transferred in 0.024489 secs (16334 bytes/sec)

The last dd step (5d) command should mount the entire disk0

Step 6 - Installing OS X 10.5.0 or 10.5.1:

Mount your OS X retail image.

In the terminal change to the OS X retail image's mounted file system

cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ DVD/System/Installation/Packages

From the terminal enter "open OSInstall.mpkg" - be sure to select your xxx partition

Wait for OSX to finish it's install...

Step 7 - Download the 10.5.2 Update and the Leopard Graphics Update:

Download the OSX 10.5.2 update combo package from Apples web site ("MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.2.dmg").

Download the Leopard Graphics Update v1.0 from Apples web site ("LeopardGraphicesUpdate1.0.dmg").

Step 8 - Install the 10.5.2 update:

Mount the OSX 10.5.2 update combo package.

From the desktop open the "Mac OS X Update Combined" Icon, and double click on the "MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.2.pkg" icon.

Be sure to select your xxx partition.

Wait for the OS X 10.5.2 update to finish...

Step 9 - Install the Leopard Graphics Update v1.0:

Mount the Leopard Graphics Update v1.0.

From the desktop open the "Leopard Graphics Update" icon, and double click on the "LeopardGraphicsUpdate1.0.pkg" icon.

Be sure to select your xxx partition.

Wait for the Graphics update to finish...

Step 10 - Change the the volumes status:

/usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/xxx

Step 11 - Moving and Coping the following to files:

i. Move the following kext:

bash-3.2# mv -f AppleEFIRuntime.kext /Volumes/xxx/tmp


ii. Copied the following five files into place:

Change to the directory /Volumes/xxx/System/Library/Extensions

bash-3.2# cp -Rf /Volumes/MyData/Building\ My\ OSX/dsmos.kext.

bash-3.2# cp -Rf /Volumes/MyData/Building\ My\ OSX/AppleSMBIOS.kext.

bash-3.2# cp -Rf /Volumes/MyData/Building\ My\ OSX/AppleVIAATA.kext.

bash-3.2# cp -Rf /Volumes/MyData/Building\ My\ OSX/NVinject.kext.

bash-3.2# cp -Rf /Volumes/MyData/Building\ My\ OSX/IONetworkingFamily.kext.


iii. Change their ownership:

bash-3.2# chown -R root:wheel dsmos.kext

bash-3.2# chown -R root:wheel AppleSMBIOS.kext

bash-3.2# chown -R root:wheel AppleVIAATA.kext

bash-3.2# chown -R root:wheel NVinject.kext

bash-3.2# chown -R root:wheel IONetworkingFamily.kext


iv. Change their file modes:

bash-3.2# chmod -R 755 dsmos.kext

bash-3.2# chmod -R 755 AppleSMBIOS.kext

bash-3.2# chmod -R 755 AppleVIAATA.kext

bash-3.2# chmod -R 755 NVinject.kext

bash-3.2# chmod -R 755 IONetworkingFamily.kext

Step 12 - (Repeat step 5 here) From the Terminal - Make the partition "xxx" bootable using the EFI_pack.zip

my input/output:

step 12a
- diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk0


step 12b
- ./startupfiletool /dev/rdisk0s2 ./boot_v8

HFS+ filesystem detected

Looking for 1 words free

reading 4096,4096

Marking word 276

writing back 4096,4096

allocated blocks 32 at start 8832


step 12c
- dd if=./guid/boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 bs=512 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

512 bytes transferred in 0.012391 secs (41320 bytes/sec)


step 12d
- dd if=./guid/boot0 of=/dev/disk0 bs=400 count=1

1+0 records in

1+0 records out

400 bytes transferred in 0.024489 secs (16334 bytes/sec)

The last dd step (12d) command should mount the entire disk0

Step 13 - Boot the new install.


Side Notes:

1) In my environment I created two bootable partition on my main 250GB drive:

- The first partition has my main working OS X 10.5.2 install <- boots by default

- The second partition is a smaller 30Gb OS X 10.5.2 installed

I'm using this partition for testing new drivers and configs

and storing copies of my key setup files (drivers, images, config files, etc)

2) I set a 3 second delay(timeout) in the com.apple.Boot.plist; thus, allowing me some time to press F8 and select my alternate number two partition.

3) I have a third bootable partition(30Gb) on my USB drive, identical to the second partition.
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