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Too Many Kernel Panics! Please Help.

The Milkman

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I installed Zephroth 10.5.2 and the install went flawless. Booted up access the internet and had sound. Kudos to Zephyroth for the spotless install. My hardware is listed below.


Abit KN8 nForce 4 board

Opteron 170

Nvidia Gigabyte LAN

I Can't find information on my sound

7600GS Nvidia Video Card (I think)


Now on to the problem. I get Kernel panics. As I've observed them the last couple of days and did some research on what problem I might be having, it seems to revolve around when I use the LAN adapter. I tried to import my iTunes music, some 9,000 files on a NAS and it will never run to completion. If I transfer a large number of photos from the same NAS I will have issues. Downloading a torrent I will also have issues. I updated the cpuids with Marvin and that seems to have made things better, but I am still restarting 2-3 times a day.


Anyone have any thoughts on the problem or how I might troubleshoot it better?


Thanks again for the release Zephyroth!

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Have you tried replacing your AppleSMBIOS.kext file?I was having random issues and this solved it for me, granted my hardware is a bit different but it may work for you.I got mine from macdotnub.info
Thanks, I will have a look at it and see what happens!Where did you get your version from?
Have you tried replacing your AppleSMBIOS.kext file?I was having random issues and this solved it for me, granted my hardware is a bit different but it may work for you.I got mine from macdotnub.info
Brain fade. I found the web site.
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