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Not able to proceed after booting to leopard- Screen says i need to restart

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:( leme stRT form the start


I downloaded this from the site mininova was arround 2.51 gb bat files corresponding to the disk number of the flat drive / external one dd.exe file and one dd-list.bat file extracted the file and executed it as administrator after changing security to full control i got a 15 gb partition of hfs+ and rest 59.53gb was left unallocated.then i did the whole procedure by first copying it to my system32 folderand then made a dual boot with easybcd (but on selecting boot in change settign it automaticlly reverts back to c:\) then restarted the system back to vista was forced a c:\ for system conccistency which didi some fixes and what i get is only 1 gb free left which was 17 gb earlier tried to find where did it go but was in vain newayz tried to boot to leopard again and got the same restart stuff then booted to ubnutu in which disk analyser showed me appx 15-17gb was occupied by system volume information folder on opening their were numerous files some with 5gb some with size 10 gb and one wiht 853mb

then as you said to do -v after getting boot:


also i made that unallocated into primary ntfs partition and after that on pressing f8 it showed hd1,1 and hd1,2 where 2 had the ntfs made and below it stated boot forgien os where in case of leopard partition it states -v . for ..... but it made no difference to the error

it showed me the same

Matching Service count =0

Matching Service count =2

Matching Service count =2

Matching Service count =2

Matching Service count =2

ApplePS2 trackpad: Synaptic touchpad V6.3

Package 0 didn't get an HPET

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails


Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

Natit: Starting

Natit: Setting @0; device_type=display

Natit: Setting NVCAP=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0 ; compatible=NVDA, NVMac

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-B

Natit: Setting device_type=NVDA, Parent

Natit: Setting NVMT=<data not shown>

Natit: Setting @0, name=NVDA, Display-A

Natit: Setting @0, fbotfset=0x00020000

Natit: Setting @1, device_type=display

Natit: Setting model=Unknown nVIdia

VGA: Family Specific matching fails

dsmos: Initializing

dsmos: Hook & decrypting contexts set!

dsmos: starting

Apple RTL8169Ethernet: Ethernet address 00:1b:24:7e:92:c3

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost/System/Library/CoreService/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOs/loginwindow[22]Login Application Started


and on doing -s

in the middle some where i was able to read

Firewire Unable to determin security mode; defaulting to full secure


Package 0 didn't get an HPET (lots of them followed and in the end

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost/System/Library/CoreService/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOs/loginwindow[22]Login Application Started

Mar 4 11:22:54 localhost Windows Server[120] session get info (Oxfffffffffffff) =Mac 1102 [this line was not present today and instead i got]

Mar 5 15:42:32 localhost config[32]:Interface Namer: No network interface could not update platform UUID


64bit mode enabled

also this line appeared to be new

NTFS drive 2.0 [flag:r/o]

Ntfs vol name Khalsa(this is my win partition name), version 3.1



highlight shows which appeard later and were not present earlier or i was not able to notice the

p.s my laptop supports 64bit but both vista and ubuntu are runnign on 32 bit!!!(and i did not do anything to enable that 64 bit mode)



this is the message i get on the screen





Please help me i am not even able to enter the setup screen all i ger is a grey screen and then a notice

"You need to restart your computer press the power button for few seconds or press the restart button"

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i found this forum topic


ststing the new update for mac osx to work on nvidia 8000 series i have a nvidia geoforce 8400 gs


so is thsi the problem then what ot do i have downloaded the pkg file but how to put it in the mac one as mine won even go to the installation process

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i got my mac working this is what i did and it worked



 open transmac in windows as administrator

goto /System/Libraries/Extensions/Ge*.kext   i.e delete every file with such a starting/System/Libraries/Extensions/Nv*.kext

and then boot to your mac os

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with macdrive from windows, try to remove in the mac partition





try... starts with -v and post a screen..


PS: why don't you try the kalyway??

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I'm getting this same error..


But thing is, I don't even have a Mac partition! I managed to successfully install Leopard a few hours ago, but a kernel panic screwed everything up for me so I ended up reformatting my whole HD.


I installed XP to see if this would work but TransMac isn't showing a Mac partition. I tried PartitionMagic and theres no Mac partition either.. But looking at the partition size for XP, I'm pretty sure my Mac partition is hiding somewhere.. !!


help please x_x


edit: Uhm, okay this makes no sense at all lol.


I left my computer alone for a bit (went to go watch TV) and I came back to find it still stuck on the "NTFS drive 2.0 [flag:r/o]" thing. So I was about to reboot it but I tried tapping the Enter button a few times and my DVD drive started to magically read the DVD again! o.O


So now I'm in the installation part..




edit2: k.. The installation didn't go too smoothly. Was super slowwwwwwwwwwww. I'm not sure why. Once I saw calculated time remaining was 9 hours, I rebooted. :<


So, here I am stuck again trying to boot the KalyWay installation disc again.





w00t!! It booted!! Now hopefully it won't go slow this time..


edit3: failed failed failed !! More specifically, the installtion process failed. Went back to try and format the HD but told me it was unable to unmount. (Note: This time I tried doing the GUID partition table way, as opposed to MBR).

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