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Kalyway 10.5.1 Performance Issues (stuttering/slowness)

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Hello all!


I have Kalyway 10.5.1 (vanilla kernel) up and running on my box. It runs rather well for the most part but I'm noticing some slow-down/stuttering under heavy disk I/O. I notice it when running Aperture or if I try to play a game (Neverwinter Nights, Frets on Fire).


Here's my setup:


MOBO: Intel DP35DP

CPU: Intel E2160 (Dual Core 1.8GHz)

Memory: 4x 2GB modules

Video: Geforce 8800GTX

Other: HighPoint RocketRAID 2300

HDD's: 4x 80GB in RAID10 on RocketRAID card (OS Array)

2x 500GB in RAID1 (Using OSX software RAID) Used as Datastore

OS: Kalyway 10.5.1 vanilla kernel


The stuttering/slowdown occurrs whether using a single SATA drive connected to the onboard SATA ports or the RAID10 array on the RocketRAID ports. Any thoughts on this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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