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How do you shut off the auto scan for Control Surface in Logic 8


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I have the Tascam US-2400 DAW controller, and to have it effectively function correctly, I have to have it added as the Makie controller. Logic has a contoller setup for this model, but when it's added it does not work right. The issuse is every time I start up Logic it scans this controller and recognises it, and I have to delete it right away, is there a way I can shut off that function so it doesn't scan it?

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Yeah, not sure why they says it's not compatible, it worked fine for me, all though I did revert back to Tiger anyways because of my M-Audio interfaces.


So here's what my real issue was:

The user manual for the US-2400 advises that I set it up as a Makie controller both on the board itself and in Logic, this must have been before logic had a setup for the us-2400. The User manual for Logic Studio 8 advises that I set the US-2400 in Native mode (Not Makie) So I did that, and it scanned the US-2400 and 3 mackie cointrols and works correctly (with the exception of the joystick, but I don't care)

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