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Hi :censored2: !


There are a few guides I found about flashing PC graphic card to work with latest Mac PROs such as 8800GT, X1900XT 512MB PCIe only,...

Wouldn't it be a lot less problems to just flash your graphic card and not to worry about all those additional kexts Natit, NVinject, ...


Is it possible to run original Mac graphic cards on Hackint0s without any additional 3rd party kexts/injectors or problems?

Did anyone try running Mac gfx on PC hacks, does it work :P ?






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No it wont run! you will have to flash it to a PC card while you have another card(PC) to check to see what you are doing!


Remember you have a PC, so you need to use a PC card with drivers to make it work in MAC. Thats why they flash a PC card to a MAC card to work in a MAC!






Even if these Mac gfx have both EFI+BIOS on their chips how comes that OSX "Leo" cant read EFI from the card or does it depend on motherard too if there is EFI on it or not?Or shuld I ask if there is any screen output at all :) running hack with mac gfx?krazubu, does it mean that i'll need to have Natit or NVijncet to run it or is it enough with the original drivers provided by OSXkrazubuwould it work with drivers provided by OSX or does it still needs Natit or nvinject

Should give a black screen at 1st then work once the GUI is reached, if the driver is present.
Does it mean that still natit or nvinject are needed to run it properly or are the drivers provided by Leo for ex: "10.5.2" are enough?
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