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First of all let me say that I have read through many posts and have found many helpful hints. There are a lot of smart people helping out here and to them I give credit as to getting this far.


I am loading Kalyway Leopard 10.5.1 on my:





Intel Core 2 Duo

ATI 1650 Vid card


I've done this:changed BIOS settings (CPU, power, and execute disable bit), formatted 25GB partition to MBR, installed Vanilla Kernel and Vanilla ACPI fix, chose the MBR bootloader... everything else i just left unchecked.


Install went fine, it restarts and I got the blinking cursor thing so I marked the partition as active and made it bootable by adding the boot1h file and using startupfiletool using the DVD terminal through a post I found here and that all went fine. I reboot now and get the Darwin bootloader and choose -v -x cpus=1 (because this is what I have to use or else i get other errors) and it starts to load the system. During the first phase where the code flys by the screen it will crash and reboot itself. If I just try to load the OS without any flags i get the "you need to reboot your computer by holding in your power...etc" graphic.


I have been working on this for almost two weeks and beginning to wonder if this is even possible with the board I'm using?


Does anybody have any helpful hints or better directions to point me in?


Thanks in advance. :(

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