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EDIT: ARGH... WTF is about with this fourm...


adding a reply will dmg my post's structure (and the replay wont appear)...




im using a Sony Vaio SZ5 MN/B 4 installing Mac OS X Leopard.


I think i read about 400 topics to get my onboard Ethernet working...


Here the way i did: (Copied some text from other topics, but i hope its ok)



Installing Lan (Marvell Yukon 88E8036):


1.) Find your vendor ID and device ID. I don't know what yours is, but it should look something like this:


Vendor 11AB

Device 4351


Write this down, you will need it to continue past step 5.


2.) Open terminal and type the following:

sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleYukon2.kext/Contents/Info.plist

3.) Scroll down and find the ethernet card "Marvell Yukon 88E8053" change everywhere in that entry the 8053 to 8036


4.) Search sth like (in that entry again):



<string>0xZZZZYYYY</string> 'ZZZZYYYY represents some numbers and chars


5.) Update it with YOUR Vendor and Device ID . After the x : first 4 diggits = Device ID (ZZZZ), last 4 = Vendor id (YYYY).

For my Vaio sz5mnb it is "435111AB"


Save with STRG+o, quit with strg+x


6.) type in terminal:

sudo rm -r /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

7.) type in terminal:

diskutil repairPermissions /

6.) Restart Machine. While Booting press F8, and add boot flags -x -v


7.) Now Reboot again, and your ethernet should work.


one day... i will get everything on my vaio work - then i write a complete tutorial ;-)


reagards, dognose

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