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Howto: Get OS X (Leopard) to work on Intel/Amd PC


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I'm new to this forum so I apologize in advance if this topic has been covered before - however I was unable to find any previous threads with the search.


I have purchased an official Apple OS X (Leopard) DVD and would like to create a new DVD that will boot and install on a regular PC for testing. I do not want to download any "hacked" versions from torrent sites but would rather go through the exercise of creating a dootable/installable Leopard DVD. Is there a thread or site that will have detailed instructions on how to do this?


I appreciate any help/advise members may have. Thanks.



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Well I mean it all depends on your hardware. The BrazilMac way may or may not work for you. I can't even get the BrazilMac patched version to get past the Darwin/X86 bootloader on my desktop, it just keeps restarting (MSI P6N SLI-FI, 2.33GHz Core 2 Duo Conroe, GeForce 7600GS). I also don't want to go the route of downloading a torrent...but for some of us it seems like it's the only way without buying new hardware specifically for OS X.

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