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I have been using Mac-on-Linux with my iBook for a while and find it useful. However it is a PPC-only VM so I can't use it with my x86 boxes. I see a lot of work has been put into making OS X run in VMWare and the like, so why not help out this open source project? It seems to be the perfect VM as it focuses on the Macintosh OS. The author says he would welcome patches to support OSx86. MOL's site and wiki are good places to start.

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The author says he would welcome patches to support OSx86. MOL's site and wiki are good places to start.


FYI Just to make it clear the real author of mac-on-linux died a few years ago in a road accident. Real shame as the young man was very talented. The person you are referring to is not the author but someone who wants to get the project started again.

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