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Hi guys.


I am getting really frustrated by not having darwin boot installed as i need to keep the DVD in my computer

and when i let iatkos boot off the DVD it doesnt load my nvidia kexts (i had it installed with a bootloader once but then i bricked it and cant get it again and my GFX drivers only worked when booting from darwin on the local drive as weird as it may seem)



So i was wondering how do i install darwin bootloader.


As i have the iatkos dvd and it doesnt have darwin boot in the utilities menu on the DVD as the iatkos FAQ said it would.



Is there any other way to do it thanks.



p.s to be more specific when booting into osx via the dvd i get no Kext loaded in system profiler in the GFX section. yet i do when i do have a bootloader and i can boot in fine the kexts load fine

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