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Trouble with Kernel <panic>ing when trying to install.

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I keep getting a kernel panic when trying to install .


Here is what reads on my screen:


MAC Framework successfully initialized

using 2621 buffer headers and 2621 cluster IO buffer headers

IOAPIC: Version 0x02 Vectors 64:87

ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)



then I get Extention immediate dependencie errors on com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform (x2) and com.apple.driver.ApplePCIConfigurator


Next it reads:


mbinit: done

Security auditing service present

BSM auditing present

panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001997A0): "FPU segment overrun exception in kernel thread context\n|@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu-1228/osfmk/i836/fpu.c:574

Debugger called: <panic>

Backtrace, Format - Frame: Return Address (4 potential args on stack)

0xbe7fc98 : 0x12b0e1 (0x4555b4 0xbe7fccc 0x133238 0x0)

0xbe7fce8 : 0x1997a0 (0x45c698 0x0 0x0 0x513120)

0xbe7fd38 : 0x19e517 (0xbe7fd58 0x0 0x0 0xbe7fd9c)

0xbe7fd50 : 0x1a1389 (0xe 0x1a0048 0x10 0x10)

0xbe7fda8 : 0x13ce9a (0x1 0x212 0xbe7fe18 0x1432a6)

0xbe7fde8 : 0x380x1e (0x25fbd20 0x1 0x10 0x505ac0)

0xbe7fe08 : 0x380c75 (0x26a0bd0 0xbe7ff8c 0xbe7fe48 0xbe7fe6c)

0xbe7fe48 : 0x382146 (0x505b00 0x45a4f4 0x488c8c 0xbe7fe68)

0xbe7fe88 : 0x38219d (0x488c8c 0x1 0x28a05a0 0x489b18)

0xbe7fea8 : 0x4cca17 (0x0 0x5bccac 0x0 0x20)

0xbe7ffa8 : 0x137bff (0x0 0x12010050 0x137b86 0x33481100)

0xbe7ffc8 : 0x19e2ec (0x0 0xffffffff 0x1a102a 0x0)

Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0


BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task


Mac OS version:

Not yet set


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 9.0.0: Tue Oct 9 21:35:55 PDT 2007; Tree:xnu-1228~1/RELEASE_I386



I'm using the ToHLeoX86 package. (Darwin/x86 boot v5.0.132)


Hardware on the pc:

Processor:Intel Pentium 4 Northwood Socket 478 mPGA MMX, SSE, SSE2 (hyper threaded single core)

Mobo: uniwill 258SA0 with SiS 648FX.51 Chipset and SiS LPC Bridge Southbridge

Bios: American Megatrends Inc. V. 080009 (10/29/2003)

RAM: 512 of DDR PC2700

CDRom: Slimtype COMBO LSC-24082K


NIC: SiS 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter


This is a laptop if that is of any importance :(


So basically I just want to put Leopard on it, does any one have any suggestions as to a different package that might work instead of the ToHLeo? Or any patches I might try? Or boot parameters?


Much thanks for any help that is offered!


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