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Hardware : Abit AB9 Pro Q6600 4G RAM Winfast NV 7950GT 512Mb RAM (MOD)

Software : Kalyway 10.5.1 + NVinjectgo.kext, iLife 08, Logic Studio


I've gathered afew questions that I've experienced hope this thread can help some people thr dis



1: Obvious to start with, Restart/Shut down does not work, Sleep seems to be working ok, I've heard there is a fix for restart but no shut down fix yet~ correct me if I m wrong


2: Apple Update, I am abit caution on this, I am not sure what can be updated and what cannot be updated, so far I've tried iTune, Logic Studio, Main Stage update which I had to input a valid serial in Logic after, but apart from that it's all fine. The stuff I dare not to try are the security update etc, I don't know if it will affect the Darwin Loader, has anybody f**ked up their OSX86 by updating, please share!!


3: Time Machine VS Ghost : Up till now, I've got my OSX working pretty well and I really wanna create an image of it, so can Ghost make an image of this apple formated hd? or I should install another HD and use time machine?


4. A stupid one, Kalyway 10.5.1 is a great release, but the orange theme sux so bad, is there a way to revert to the default Leopard theme with the space wallpaper?

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