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I've installed Kalyway 10.5.1 successfully and I have a few issues:


1. I have a Q6600 but it only find 1 2.45Ghz Unknown processor

2. Gfx 7950GT dual display, once I put in a driver (natit, nvinject..etc) , it freezes at boot up BUT interestingly you can move the rainbow colored cursor around the 2 screen. If anybody can point out wat driver I should use for this would be much appreciated

3. reboot / shutdown does not work


If anybody need help with installation on Abit AB9Pro you can ask here too, i've done approx. 15 installations today to get this far...

ok a quick update~ i've got dual screen working, but it's damn stupid~ I and using the no brainer NVinject installer and have to boot in to leopard with ONE SCREEN ONLY~ yes pull the DVI out on one of the screen~ then once it is in, you can plug it back~ and vala ~ dual screen is working~ if someone can do better than this~ please share ! Thanks~


P.S. Booting with 2 screen connected will FREEZE just after the APPLE logo

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