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Dear InsanelyMac Forums,


I am running on an HP A1630n. AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+ 2.4Ghz nForce 430+SATA. ATi Radeon X1650 Pro PCI>Express.


I have Jas 10.4.8 AMD-Intel SSE2-SSE3 with ppf1 & ppf2

I have a 250GB hard disk SATA, with one Partition of Windows XP, 160GB.


I was wondering if I could install Mac OS X to an external USB 500GB hard disk (60GB partition), add/modify applenforceata.kext, then using Paragon Partition Manager, copy the mac os x partition over from my external hard disk, to my internal SATA hard disk, delete the partition from my external and boot to either my Windows XP partition or my Mac OS X partition natively on my internal hard disk.


Thank you for your time.

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I have no answers for you -- I never tried it. Yet I suppose this depends if you get applenforceata.kext to actually detect your sata drive. I have similar hardware (the nforce 410) and the JaS support actually read my sata drive the first time I went through the native install. Then when I wrote to it, I guess because it was half a year ago, the applenforceata kext that came with JaS was early beta support for sata and totally screwed up my partition table. No matter what tool I used, it couldn't find my old partition table with Vista again. Had to use recovery tools to get my documents back and then had to reinstall Vista. PIA! I've installed to a USB drive since, like you Liu Bei, and it works fine.


If you go ahead with your test and get it to work, post the applenforceata.kext you use to make it work! FYI, I hear there are other posts where you can edit the OS X Dvd with your own kext's, then you just bless them and go through with a regular dvd install.


Thanks for your efforts!

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