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So first of all, what i have.

Intel Dp965Lt

Core2Duo E6600

4gb of Ram

GeForce 8800GT

Windows Vista x64 (dont want to format).

Sata HD 250Gb (dont remember the brand)


So first in vista I created 12Gb of unnallocated space.

Then using diskpart i did

create partition primary id=af




Ok now i have a second partition where i can install OSX.

Booted on DVD (1.0i and 1.0ir2 both give me the same error).

Pressed F8 then -v and ENTER.

A lot of things goes by, and then it gives me this error.


"ERROR: FireWire unable to determine security-mode; defaulting to to full-secure

Still waiting for root device”

And stay on this.


I changed on bios my HD to IDE, then to ACPI, but nothing.


Please, someone give me a help here. I dont want to format or anything. I want to dual-boot.


I was following this guide here:





Sorry if this has already been answered, but i searched and didnt find anything.

Thanks in advance

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