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I got that too..when i just let it reboot without watching it....when mine boots, i get a "Press a key for boot options" kind of message, I press it and it shows my partitions I select the one with Leopard installed and it works fine....if i dont Press a Key and let it go, it picks the other option (the main drive and not the sub partition with osx installed) and I get that error you are getting.


Also make sure to set your boot priority back to the harddrive and not the dvdrom.

We'll, I enabled the HD to be the first to boot, nothing happens, just a blank screen with a icon that constantly flashes. I didnt wait to long, so I'll try to re-install.


Question, I have a intel pentium 4, 2.8ghz, is that a sse2, or sse3, cant find a direct answer anywhere.


Also, does anyone know the correct method, for partitioning the drive. I dont want to have multipe OS's, just Leo, to keep it simple.

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