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Im trying to install kalyway on my Asus G1S and so far have not been very succesful. npcomplete has been helping me out a lot so shout outs to him. But i was wondering what everyone is partitioning there drives as. I used Mac Os Extended. What exactly does the Journaling feature do? Thanks

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Journaling is, among other things, a safety factor for your system drive. It protects your drive and the location of system files in the case of a power failure as it speeds up the recovery time after such a failure. Journaling should definitely be used on your boot up drives, but is not so important for your data drives. If your data drives are already formatted as journaled, the switch can be turned off via disk utility or terminal without wiping your data. Theoretically, there would be a performance enhancement on your data drives without journaling, but most experts doubt the average user would ever notice the difference.

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