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HI, I'm new here, and I've got a big problem (like lots of people I think ^^).


I've Installed Leopard Kalyway 10.5.1 on my PC which has an Asus P5VD2-VM as motherboard.

I've followed lots of instructions in the forum, and now, I've got the Audio and the Ethernet working.


But there's still no SATA. My SATA Controller chip is a VIA 8237A. I've added the device ID as explained in the other topics in the AppleVIAATA.kext, but it still doesn't work ...


Can anyone help me please ?

My HDD is a Maxtor DiamondMax 21 SATA II 320Go


Thanks for your help, if I can make this SATA Work Leopard will be the only OS I'll use !



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Too many topics upper than mine xD :wacko: .

I'll try to modify the kernel extension directly to the ISO, perhaps this will work ^^.


But do you think this can be the hard disk which isn't recognized ?


Thanks again ^^




PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'm french ^^...

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