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I would like to have one of the streams provided there downloaded to a playable file on my mac. In a perfect world, the file would automagically be added to itunes, and transfered to my ipod, but the main thing is the download.


I played with automator, and managed to get the "bb.mov" automatically downloaded into a "streams" text file. This file contains a link to the actual stream, but with that, I never managed to get it to do anything.


Problem is, the actual name of the stream changes, and I havent figured out the formula it uses to generate this, which is why I basically have to get the link from this site, then process this link etc etc.


Anyway, I would greatly appreciate it if someone could provide me a solution for getting the "8PM Journaal" on my ipod.


(If someone knows a podcast of this, then the above isnt needed)




preferably the breedband version, (bb mov)


I gave up after I had this.


get link urls from the website

filter url's, I added bb, and then another one with mov

this gave me a result with the link I wanted.


then, I opened that URL in safari, which downloads a "streams" file

I open that file as text, and with some replace functions, I got the url.

from there, I cant get anything to open the url and play it, or download it or anything else.


Opening the streams file in quicktime plays the stream, but if I set it in automator to do that, it doesnt do anything.


What I want with this is to have the script run once a day to download the file, so that I can put it on my ipod.

The transfering isnt a big deal. my main wish is to have the file downloaded.

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