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Hey all,


I would like to have some info on the possibilities to install OSX on an AMD pc

(preferrably in VMWare)...


My config:


DFI Lanparty NF4 SLI-DR Expert

AMD Opteron DualCore 170 32/64bit 2 GHz, SSE SSE2 SSE3

1 GB DDR OCZ Gold Ultra Low Latency

Seagate Sata2 HD 160GB

(ata also possible)


I have tried a few uphuck 10.4.x universal releases in vmware,

but was never able to boot it after the installation was finished.


What release for amd should work under vmware with my config ?

I now also have the AMD OSX 10.5.1 release, should that one work ?


thnx for all the feedback .. !





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