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Should I delete the file appleHIDKeyboard.kext as I am using the aluminnium keyboard (wired) but it seems to be casuing the waiting root device error in the grey apple boot. In verbose mode it rarely happens but mosting during an succesful boot i get these lines:


(Sometime waiting for root device error occour after this line)

Extension "com.apple.driver.AppleHIDKeyboard" has no explicit kernel dependency: using version 6.0.

Jettisoning Kernel Linker

Resetting IOCatalogue...

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If you have time and patience, I'd say go for it. Just make sure backup (move a copy to a reachable location) the kext, and when you restart after removing... well, see if there is an on-screen keyboard beforehand. Just in case the keyboard STOPS working--thought I doubt that. :D

Sending it to trash dosn't work... still gives me the :blink: still waiting for root device except its an different line... plus I managed to get an successful boot one time but alumminuim keyboard's hotkeys won't work.


Note-I managed to restore appleHIDKeyboard.kext... but i would get the root device errors sometimes... :D:P

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