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99 percent of the time, the problem will not be your video card, especially when you have a supported one. In other words give us your system specs.. as you should do anytime you ask for help.

Hi, I've got the same processor and suffer same problem - at first boot it stops at grey screen before apple intro movie. Like mtotho said it's not video card. Do you dual-boot with Tiger? Because it happend when I installed Leopard on second partition having Tiger already. Only way I can boot Kalyway now is singe-boot with disk partitioned using MBR, but it boots only with DVD. When partitioned usind GUID it shows that "com.apple.boot.plist" file is missing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If the wheel freezes, give it a chance. Mine does the exact same thing and takes about ten minutes to load (from the loading screen, I mean). Just let it run for about 15 minutes and if it doesn't do anything, then restart.


Note: I'm on an AMD system, not Intel.

gave it a chance, still does nothing. I"m in the EXACT same boat as deathanarchist2. I have NO clue what to do. I tried having a single partition, that didn't work. I tried all the possible boot options I could think of (-v -x etc.). I just don't know what to do, or why it's not working :-(

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