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Hey all,


I have (succesfully?) installed Leopard onto my Asus A6Ja laptop, it already had Vista on it.


Now the problem is, I tried chain0 and tboot methods (from http://www.digitmemo.com/articles/658/howt...ot-setup-guide/ for example) but it won't work, the boot menu won't come up. In BCD edit my OSX identifier is {default}, is that a problem?


Strange thing is it will work if I boot up the iatkos DVD -s, then flag partition 2 (for Vista) or 3 (for OSX) active, then it will boot vista respectively OSX.


Any ideas on how to fix having to have the iatkos dvd in every time?


Thanks in advance!

Im a bit confused with you situation.. but there is a very simple way to dual boot with vista and leopard and this is what i would do.


Have Vista installed, then get a working LEopard install. Make sure Vista is active partition. On Vista Download EasyBCD and Add an entry "Generic OSX86 platform" and name it whatever. Reboot and you will have an options for vista and leopard.

Hey, thanks for the (very) quick reply!I tried EasyBSD, added an entry for Generich x86 PC (couldnt find platform, is that the problem?) , rebooted but it didn't work, no dualboot menu showed up :(My situation, from what I gather, is that I have a fully working OSX , video sound etc, but it won't boot unless it's partition has been flagged active. But when I flag OSX active, it'll boot OSX and not Vista. When I flag Vista active, it won't show a dualboot menu even though I did make the BCDedit changes for chain0 and on another try tboot.I hope there is another solution to this, thank you in advance!



Edit: Nevermind, I clicked *something (?)* in EasyBSD, and.... *drum roll* IT WORKS! :)

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